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Monday, January 30, 2006

albrects bg

another bg for albert, about 10 percent done. lemme know whatcha think


  • At 8:40 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Beautiful BG!!

  • At 10:52 PM, Blogger rthompson said…

    very nice Stevie. I really like the color change from top to bottom. very nice indeed. One thing I would suggest is to bump up the scale a bit on the cactus on the left closest to camera. It is about the same size as the one further behind it, I think this would push the the sense of depth. keep up the good work man!

  • At 5:01 AM, Blogger Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said…

    the colours r real fresh I'm digging on this piece why don't u post more of this work if u have the time thanks for the kind words keep it fesh always!!!


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