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Tuesday, November 30, 2010


shot list

shot1_dialogue test. Indie is accused of stealing. scene done using maya2008 with the norman rig. set built and rendered in maya 2008.

shot2_cycle animation 1. Indie runs from thuggee cult member. scene done using maya2008 with the norman rig. simple props built in maya

shot3_ weight test. garbage man stuggles with trash. scene done using maya2008 with the norman rigs. set, props and vehicles build in maya2008 and textured in photoshop cs4

shots4/10_short film "dandycandy" a dog and his lost love. I set up shots and animated everything within the scene.I handled all character modeling as well as props. I rigged all props and vehicles. character rigging was handled by simon thomas. I also animated all cameras and produced all textures.


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